Statement on Kent Taylor's death

Artwork by Lauren Nichols

Artwork by Lauren Nichols


Content warning: suicide

The entire Body Politic community is deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Kent Taylor, Long COVID patient and CEO of Texas Roadhouse, who died by suicide this week. Our thoughts are with his loved ones, and we send love and support to everyone who is dealing with similar losses or crises. Living through this pandemic has been immensely difficult for all of us, and it has been especially hard for those whose lives have been intimately touched by this virus. We see you and we are with you.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time our Long COVID community has lost a member to suicide. It is common for people with chronic medical conditions to experience mental health challenges due to chronic pain and other physical symptoms, as well as social isolation and a lack of adequate medical care. For Long COVID patients specifically, we know many in our community have struggled to be believed or acknowledged – by family members, friends, and even doctors. While awareness around Long COVID has increased and funded research is beginning, there is still much to be done, and for some, these small wins have come too late. We mourn Mr. Taylor and all other lives already lost to this condition.

Like many issues Long COVID patients face, suicidal ideation and depression are not unique to the experience of having Covid-19. People living with chronic illnesses of all types are twice as likely to experience depression and anxiety than the general population. Chronically ill young people aged 15-30 are three times more likely than their peers to attempt suicide. No matter what stage in life a person becomes chronically ill, the sudden changes to our physical bodies, our social lives, and our imagined futures can be difficult to face.

You are not alone in this struggle.

We are grateful to those with prior experiences of chronic illness and disability who have shared their wisdom with Long COVID patients this year. For those seeking community in the face of Long COVID and the struggles with mental health, social shifts, and medical challenges that come with it, we invite you to join our Body Politic support group or seek resources from your local mental health organizations.

While life with Long COVID is undeniably difficult, you are not alone in this struggle. We will forge a new path together.

In solidarity,

The Body Politic Board


For COVID patients, survivors, and/or caregivers in need of emotional support right now, the Body Politic support group is an available resource.

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