Letter To Our Community

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To our wonderful  community,

In building Body Politic, we wanted to offer an alternative to messages of individualism we saw cropping up in the wellness world. For too long, the wellness industry has focused on increasing individual life spans, maximizing productivity, and setting new personal records. We believe the most important wellness practice is the practice of tapping into and building community - especially for those of us who live in marginalized bodies. It was for this reason that we launched Body Politic with IRL event programming in 2018. We wanted to change the face of wellness, and create programming that acknowledged the intersections of wellness, politics, and personal identity, but we also wanted to redefine connection in an increasingly isolated age. 

On the week of March 9, both of us contracted coronavirus. We were holding one last in-person meeting before moving entirely online when Sabrina suddenly became ill. The following week Fiona was hospitalized for trouble breathing, and another member of our team began exhibiting symptoms. The irony is not lost on us that we were in the midst of discussing community building, social justice, and wellness when we unintentionally infected each other with coronavirus. We are grateful to say that everyone is making a slow but steady recovery. 

The one silver lining in our experience was that we had each other. We had each other when testing was not available. We had each other when peers and family members questioned the seriousness of this crisis or our individual situations. We had each other when our symptoms became scary or didn’t match up to what we’d seen online, and we had to wait hours to speak to medical professionals. We had each other (via text) when breathing made speaking difficult. In the loneliness and isolation, in the physical discomfort, in the frustration at the inability to get answers, we had each other. Now, we want to be there for you.

In the days since Fiona began sharing her story, we’ve heard from countless people who are experiencing symptoms. Many of these people are 20-somethings like us who live alone, or far away from family. We know how scary it can be to experience symptoms you’ve seen chronicled on the news for months, and we know that the darkness and confusion surrounding this virus only makes it more frightening. 

The world is changing right now, and with it, Body Politic must change. We’re all learning how to put the collective over the individual, and how to build community while in isolation. We feel grateful to have cultivated such a loving and authentic online community and to have already begun sharing digital content via our publication, Body Type, earlier this fall. In the coming weeks, we want to tailor our virtual programming and content to fit your urgent and evolving needs - please help us serve you, by filling out this quick survey about what you would like to see us focus on. 

In the meantime, we’re starting a support group for folks who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, have tested positive, or are survivors of the virus - sign up here if you’re interested in joining. Social media is still largely ignoring those of us who have actually contracted coronavirus, and we know firsthand how isolating that experience can be. Body Politic is here and you are not alone.


Sabrina Bleich and Fiona Lowenstein

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